Sports - Despacho 6809/2015 no Ano lectivo de 2023

1º Ano
Tronco Comum
1º Semestre
Code Name ECTS Regime
UDE1090 Functional Anatomy I 5,0 S
UDE1085 Biomechanics 5,0 S
UDE1091 Motor Development and Psychomotricity 4,0 S
UDE1093 Research Methodology in Sports 6,0 S
UDE1058 Sports I - Athletics 3,0 S
UDE1060 Sports I - Football 3,0 S
UDE1059 Sports I - Gymnastics 3,0 S
UDE1057 Sports I - Volleyball 2,0 S
2º Semestre
Code Name ECTS Regime
UDE1088 Functional Anatomy II 3,0 S
D1046 Anthropology and History of Sports 4,0 S
UDE1086 Academy Activities 4,0 S
UDE1087 Sports Pedagogy 5,0 S
UDE1055 Sports II - Athletics 2,0 S
UDE1053 Sports II - Football 3,0 S
UDE1054 Sports II - Gymnastics 2,0 S
UDE1056 Sports II - Volleyball 3,0 S
(Escolha: 2 disciplina(s))
Code Name ECTS Regime
ULC1091 Foreign Language Applied to Sports - German 1,5 S
ULC1090 Foreign Language Applied to Sports - Spanish 1,5 S
ULC1089 Foreign Language Applied to Sports - French 1,5 S
ULC1088 Foreign Language Applied to Sports - English 1,5 S
ULC1087 Expression and Communication Techniques Applied to Sports 1,5 S
Menor em Exercício Físico e Bem-Estar
Menor em Treino Desportivo
2º Ano
Tronco Comum
1º Semestre
Code Name ECTS Regime
D1058 Motor Learning and Control 5,0 S
UDE1083 Cineanthropometry 4,0 S
UDE1082 Exercise Physiology I 4,0 S
UDE1050 Sports III - Handball 3,0 S
UDE1052 Sports III - Basketball 3,0 S
UDE1051 Sports III - Swimming 2,0 S
UDE1081 Theory and Methodology of Training 6,0 S
(Escolha: 1 disciplina(s))
Code Name ECTS Regime
UEDU1105 Health Education 3,0 S
UEDU1104 Ethics in Sports 3,0 S
2º Semestre
Code Name ECTS Regime
UDE1079 Exercise Physiology II 4,0 S
UDE1047 Sports IV - Handball 2,0 S
UDE1049 Sports IV - Basketball 2,0 S
UDE1048 Sports IV - Swimming 3,0 S
D1080 Psychology of Sports and Exercise 5,0 S
(Escolha: 1 disciplina(s))
Code Name ECTS Regime
UCSC1064 Comunication and Promotion in Sports 3,0 S
UCSC1063 Audiovisual Skills Applied to Sports 3,0 S
Menor em Exercício Físico e Bem-Estar
2º Semestre
Code Name ECTS Regime
UDE1068 Group Academy Activities 5,0 S
UDE1067 Assessment and Prescription of Physical Exercise 6,0 S
Menor em Treino Desportivo
2º Semestre
Code Name ECTS Regime
UDE1077 Sports Didactics 6,0 S
UDE1078 Training Planning 5,0 S
3º Ano
Tronco Comum
1º Semestre
Code Name ECTS Regime
UDE1075 Adapted Sports 4,0 S
D1079 Sports Organization and Management 4,0 S
UDE1074 Prevention and First Aids in Sports 4,0 S
(Escolha: 1 disciplina(s))
Code Name ECTS Regime
UDE1061 Fights 3,0 S
UDE1062 Rugby 3,0 S
UDE1063 Tennis 3,0 S
2º Semestre
Code Name ECTS Regime
UDE1071 Mountain Sports 5,0 S
UDE1069 Physical Exercise and Public Health 4,0 S
UDE1070 Nutrition and Supplementation in Sports 4,0 S
D1069 Sports Sociology 4,0 S
Menor em Exercício Físico e Bem-Estar
1º Semestre
Code Name ECTS Regime
UDE1072 Training in Physical Exercise and Solaz 18,0 A
UDE1066 Methodology of Aquatic Activities 6,0 S
2º Semestre
Code Name ECTS Regime
UDE1072 Training in Physical Exercise and Solaz 18,0 A
UDE1064 Physical Exercise for Special Populations 4,0 S
Menor em Treino Desportivo
1º Semestre
Code Name ECTS Regime
UDE1065 Training in Sports Train 23,0 A
UDE1073 Observation and Analysis in Sports Training 5,0 S
2º Semestre
Code Name ECTS Regime
UDE1065 Training in Sports Train 23,0 A