Human Resources Management - RH_2015 no Ano lectivo de 2023

1º Ano
Tronco Comum
1º Semestre
Code Name ECTS Regime
CSH1005 Company Law 5,0 S
CSH1054 Economics 7,0 S
CA1060 Principles of Financial Accounting 7,0 S
MF1023 Mathematics for Social Sciences 7,0 S
CSH1058 Sociology of the Organizations 4,0 S
2º Semestre
Code Name ECTS Regime
G1178 Business Communication 6,0 S
CSH1055 Personnel and Labour Economics 5,0 S
CA1061 Principles of Financial Analysis 6,0 S
UGE1017 Organization Managment 4,0 S
CSH1056 Social Psychology I 6,0 S
(Escolha: 1 disciplina(s))
Code Name ECTS Regime
UGE1016 Techical Report, Text Editing 3,0 S
UGE1015 Volunteerism and Social Responsability 3,0 S
2º Ano
Tronco Comum
1º Semestre
Code Name ECTS Regime
CSH1039 Labour and Social Protection Law 6,0 S
GRH1048 Statistics 7,0 S
GRH1171 Quality Management 5,0 S
G1179 Change and Organizational Development 7,0 S
CSH1057 Social Psychology II 5,0 S
2º Semestre
Code Name ECTS Regime
CSH1059 Global Economy and Comparative Management 7,0 S
G1180 Market Research 6,0 S
G1176-2 Operations Management 5,0 S
G1181 Planning and Job Analysis 9,0 S
(Escolha: 1 disciplina(s))
Code Name ECTS Regime
UINF1026 Spreadsheets 3,0 S
UINF1025 Social Networks 3,0 S
3º Ano
Tronco Comum
1º Semestre
Code Name ECTS Regime
G1182 Performance Appraisal and Careers 7,0 S
G1184 Training Management and Human Potencial Development 6,0 S
G1185 Hygiene and Safety at Work 6,0 S
CSH1060 Innovation and Creativity 4,0 S
G1186 Recruitment and Hiring 6,0 S
2º Semestre
Code Name ECTS Regime
G1187 Organizacional Diagnosis and Intervention 6,0 S
G1175-2 Entrepreneurship 3,0 S
G1183 Ergonomics 5,0 S
G1173 Training Period/Final Project 17,0 S