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Basic Education - Despacho 936/2015 no Ano lectivo de 2023

Ano Lectivo:

1º Ano
Tronco Comum
1º Semestre
Code Name ECTS Regime
UDE1035 Plastic Expression and Education 6,0 S
ULC1137 Portuguese Phonetics and Phonology 6,0 S
UCSC1048 Geography of Portugal 5,0 S
UEDU1094 History and Philosophy of Education 3,0 S
UCEE1014 Mathematics - Numbers and Calculations 6,0 S
UEDU1095 Development and Learning Psychology 4,0 S
2º Semestre
Code Name ECTS Regime
UDE1034 Expression and Musical Education 6,0 S
UCSC1047 History of Portugal 6,0 S
UCEE1013 Mathematics - Geometry 6,0 S
UEDU1093 Educational Research Methodology 3,0 S
ULC1138 Portuguese Morphology 6,0 S
UEDU1092 Theory and Curriculum Development 3,0 S
2º Ano
Tronco Comum
1º Semestre
Code Name ECTS Regime
UEDU1091 Natural Science 7,0 S
UDE1032 Expression and Physical Motor Education 7,0 S
UCEE1012 Mathematics - Statistic and Probabilities 5,0 S
ULC1139 Portuguese Syntax, Semantics and Pragmatics 5,0 S
UEDU1090 Educational Technology 2,0 S
(Escolha: 1 disciplina(s))
Code Name ECTS Regime
UEDU1079 Construction and Exploitation of Didactic Materials 5,0 S
UEDU1076 History and Mathematics Education 5,0 S
UEDU1077 Programmimg Languages in Education 5,0 S
UEDU1078 Measurement 5,0 S
2º Semestre
Code Name ECTS Regime
UCSC1046 Study of the Social Environment 5,0 S
UDE1033 Expression and Dramatic Education 6,0 S
UEDU1089 Personal and Social Development 3,0 S
ULC1140 Portuguese Literature and Culture 5,0 S
UCEE1011 Mathematics - Algebra and Functions 5,0 S
(Escolha: 1 disciplina(s))
Code Name ECTS Regime
UEDU1073 Environmental Education 5,0 S
UEDU1075 Health Education 5,0 S
UCSC1045 Heritage, Territory and Culture 5,0 S
UEDU1074 Experimental Practices in Natural Sciences 5,0 S
3º Ano
Tronco Comum
1º Semestre
Code Name ECTS Regime
UEDU1085 Human Biology 4,0 S
UEDU1086 Teaching of Portuguese 4,0 S
UEDU1087 Didactics of Expressions 5,0 S
UEDU1088 Teaching of Environmental Studies 4,0 S
UEDU1084 Introduction to Professional Practice I 8,0 S
(Escolha: 1 disciplina(s))
Code Name ECTS Regime
UDE1029 Musical Expression Workshop 5,0 S
UDE1028 Physical Activity and Sports 5,0 S
UDE1030 Materials and Techniques in Artistic Expression 5,0 S
UDE1031 Theater Workshop 5,0 S
2º Semestre
Code Name ECTS Regime
UEDU1081 Teaching of Mathematics 4,0 S
UEDU1080 Introduction to Professional Practice II 8,0 S
ULC1141 Literature for Children 5,0 S
UEDU1082 Sociology of Education 3,0 S
UEDU1083 Technology in Mathematics Education 5,0 S
(Escolha: 1 disciplina(s))
Code Name ECTS Regime
ULC1144 History of the Portuguese Language 5,0 S
ULC1142 Introduction to Reading and Writing 5,0 S
ULC1143 Latin, Language and Culture 5,0 S
ULC1145 Portuguese Language: Second Language 5,0 S