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Medicinal Biotechnology

Acronym: LBM
Academic Degree: Undergradute Degree
Start: 2020/21
Director: Paula Isabel Teixeira Gonçalves Coutinho Borges
Study Plan:



Medicinal Biotechnology (MB) is a rapidly growing emerging area related to the increasing need to develop innovative therapeutic systems involving genetic engineering, cell therapy, regenerative medicine, and personalized medicine.
MB makes a relevant contribution by promoting the mastery of a diversified set of interrelated knowledge and personal, technical-scientific, humanistic, ethical, and cultural skills for prevention and early detection through screening and monitoring, using advanced methodologies of clinical and laboratory analysis, as well as the production and transformation of new biomedical products and emerging therapeutic systems with application in regenerative medicine and personalized medicine.


The Bachelor¿s degree in Medicinal Biotechnology guarantees the acquisition of skills for autonomous and sustained professional practice based on evidence-based practice and efficient reasoning and critical analysis.
Graduates in Medicinal Biotechnology, have skills in the areas of biotechnology, medicinal chemistry, and development of new products, with the ability to:
» Apply knowledge of Biology, Chemistry and Biomedicine to solve problems in different domains
» Develop autonomy in the use and application of tools and techniques for the production and transformation of new products in the fields of diagnosis and therapy
» Demonstrate practical skills in the areas of collection and selection of biological samples and measurement, production, and analysis of clinical and laboratory data
» Intervene in the development of emerging tools for prevention, diagnosis, therapy, and rehabilitation
» Demonstrate critical thinking and creativity in solving scientific problems using experimental research
» Present work in multidisciplinary teams in the area of epidemiological and scientific research, critically interpreting clinical data and scientific literature that support the practice
» Intervene in communication actions related to the production of (micro)organisms, new therapeutic molecules, and bio(nano)materials according to deontological and scientific principles in the field of Medicinal Biotechnology

» Undertake and develop innovative projects

» Pharmaceutical industry
» Biotechnology-based industry
» Clinical centers for prevention, diagnosis, therapy, and rehabilitation

» Teaching and research
CYCLE: 1st

Biology and Biochemistry

DURATION: Six semesters
TOTAL CREDITS: 180 units of ECTS credit

Predominant Scientific Areas

  • Medicine
  • Biology and Biochimstry
  • Chemistry