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Enoturism - Plano de Estudos 2021 no Ano lectivo de 2023

Ano Lectivo:

1º Ano
Tronco Comum
1º Semestre
Code Name ECTS Regime
PG002 Sensory analysis 0,0 A
PG004 Dynamics of wine networks and routes 0,0 A
PG010 Business management of wine tourism 0,0 A
PG008 Foreign language applied to tourism 0,0 A
PG005 Marketing applied to wine tourism 0,0 A
PG003 Gastronomic heritage and wines 0,0 A
PG009 Wine-growing and wine and wine tourism regions 0,0 A
PG006 Interpersonal relationships and group dynamics 0,0 A
PG011 Seminars and Study Visits 0,0 A
PG007 Territory, viticultural landscape and innovation 0,0 A
PG001 Viticulture and Oenology 0,0 A
2º Semestre
Code Name ECTS Regime
PG002 Sensory analysis 0,0 A
PG004 Dynamics of wine networks and routes 0,0 A
PG010 Business management of wine tourism 0,0 A
PG008 Foreign language applied to tourism 0,0 A
PG005 Marketing applied to wine tourism 0,0 A
PG003 Gastronomic heritage and wines 0,0 A
PG009 Wine-growing and wine and wine tourism regions 0,0 A
PG006 Interpersonal relationships and group dynamics 0,0 A
PG011 Seminars and Study Visits 0,0 A
PG007 Territory, viticultural landscape and innovation 0,0 A
PG001 Viticulture and Oenology 0,0 A