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Pharmacy - Despacho 9528/2013 no Ano lectivo de 2023

Ano Lectivo:

1º Ano
Tronco Comum
1º Semestre
Code Name ECTS Regime
UTS1040 Applied Biology 7,0 S
UTS1082 Biochemistry I 5,0 S
UTS1038 Galenic Pharmacy I 4,5 S
ULC1086 Technical English 3,0 S
UEDU1106 Study and Research Methodology 3,0 S
UTS1039 Laboratory practices in pharmacy 3,0 S
UTS1041 General Chemistry 3,0 S
UTS1073 Seminar: Introduction to Professional Pharmacy 1,5 S
2º Semestre
Code Name ECTS Regime
UTS1035 Anatomy and Physiology 6,0 S
UCSC1065 Health Anthroposociology 3,0 S
UCEE1018 Biostatistics 6,0 S
UTS1036 Biochemistry II 5,0 S
UTS1037 Galenic Pharmacy II 3,0 S
UTS1034 Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry 4,0 S
UET1096 Information and Communication Technologies 3,0 S
2º Ano
Tronco Comum
1º Semestre
Code Name ECTS Regime
UTS1070 Ethics, Deontology and Pharmaceutical Legislation 5,5 S
UTS1032 Hospital Pharmacy 5,0 S
UTS1045 Pharmacognosy 3,5 S
UTS1072 Pharmacology 6,0 S
UTS1033 Microbioloy I 3,0 S
UTS1067 Pharmaceutical Organization and Management 3,5 S
UTS1068 Pathology 3,5 S
2º Semestre
Code Name ECTS Regime
UTS1063 Internship/Work experience I 16,0 S
UTS1031 Microbiology II 4,0 S
UEDU1107 Health Psychology 3,5 S
UTS1030 Aseptic Technology in Pharmacy 4,5 S
(Escolha: 1 disciplina(s))
Code Name ECTS Regime
UTS1029 Hydrological analysis 2,0 S
UTS1017 Dermopharmacy and Cosmetic 2,0 S
UTS1016 Medical Devices 2,0 S
UTS1018 Pharmacy Veterinary 2,0 S
UTS1019 Phytotherapy and Homeopathy 2,0 S
UTS1028 Immunohematology 2,0 S
UTS1015 Pharmaceutical Marketing 2,0 S
3º Ano
Tronco Comum
1º Semestre
Code Name ECTS Regime
UGE1034 Entrepreneurship in health 3,0 S
UTS1025 Pharmacotherapy I 5,0 S
UTS1026 Molecular and Human Genetics 5,0 S
UTS1069 Quality and Safety Systems 5,5 S
UTS1059 Pharmaceutical Technology 3,0 S
UTS1027 Toxicology 4,5 S
(Escolha: 1 disciplina(s))
Code Name ECTS Regime
UTS1029 Hydrological analysis 2,0 S
UTS1017 Dermopharmacy and Cosmetic 2,0 S
UTS1018 Pharmacy Veterinary 2,0 S
UTS1019 Phytotherapy and Homeopathy 2,0 S
UTS1028 Immunohematology 2,0 S
UTS1015 Pharmaceutical Marketing 2,0 S
(Escolha: 1 disciplina(s))
Code Name ECTS Regime
UTS1029 Hydrological analysis 2,0 S
UTS1017 Dermopharmacy and Cosmetic 2,0 S
UTS1016 Medical Devices 2,0 S
UTS1016 Medical Devices 2,0 S
UTS1018 Pharmacy Veterinary 2,0 S
UTS1019 Phytotherapy and Homeopathy 2,0 S
UTS1028 Immunohematology 2,0 S
UTS1015 Pharmaceutical Marketing 2,0 S
2º Semestre
Code Name ECTS Regime
UTS1021 Biotechnology and New Therapeutic Systems 3,5 S
UTS1054 Internship/Work experience II 16,0 S
UTS1024 Pharmacoepidemiology and Public Health 3,5 S
UTS1023 Pharmacotherapy II 4,0 S
UTS1022 Simulated Practice in Clinical Pharmacy 3,0 S
(Escolha: 1 disciplina(s))
Code Name ECTS Regime
UTS1016 Medical Devices 2,0 S
4º Ano
Tronco Comum
1º Semestre
Code Name ECTS Regime
UTS1020 Professional Traineeship 60,0 A
2º Semestre
Code Name ECTS Regime
UTS1020 Professional Traineeship 60,0 A