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Catering and Beverage Management - Plano de Estudos (2023) no Ano lectivo de 2023

Ano Lectivo:

1º Ano
Tronco Comum
1º Semestre
Code Name ECTS Regime
TGRB105 Food and Beverage Cost Control S
TGRB104 Portuguese Language and Culture S
TGRB103 Applied English I S
TGRB102 Basic Statistics S
TGRB101 Kitchen Operation and Service S
TGRB106 Restaurant Operation and Service S
2º Semestre
Code Name ECTS Regime
TGRB110 Organisational Management S
TGRB107 Food and Beverage Management S
TGRB108 Hygiene and Safety in Catering and Beverages S
TGRB111 Applied English II S
TGRB109 Bar Operation and Service S
TGRB112 Information and Communication Technologies S
2º Ano
Tronco Comum
1º Semestre
Code Name ECTS Regime
TGRB202 Enogastronomy S
TGRB203 Restaurant Management and Sales S
TGRB206 Business Initiative and Entrepreneurship in Catering S
TGRB204 Legislation applied to catering S
TGRB201 Basic kitchen preparations and cooking S
TGRB205 Restaurant and Bar Event Organisation Techniques S
2º Semestre
Code Name ECTS Regime
TGRB207 Internship S